Paint and Finish
Our finishing department is responsible for numerous show-winning paint finishes. Additionally, we have the skill to take the care needed to repair blemishes and other damage properly, without any evidence of our effort. Utilising the latest in spray booth and paint technology our custom painting service provides an extensive range of custom paint options for your vehicle.
We offer a range of paint finishes including:
- High Gloss
- Flat
- Matte
- Pearl
- Candy Pearl
- Ghost Pearl
- Glow and Reflective
Paint and Finish services include but are not limited to:
- Original specification quality automotive finishes
- Two-part enamels, lacquer or alkyd enamels
- "Fussy" spot repair of scratches, nicks and dents
- Show preparation and finish detailing
- Powder coating, metalizing, ceramic and Teflon coatings
- Chemical finish removal, sand- and media blasting
- Lifetime finish warranties
- Show quality, custom automotive finishes
- Component refinishing-- engines, chassis, loose parts
- Chrome, nickel, cadmium and all plating
- Anti-friction and engineering coating
- Glasurit-certified refinisher
- Paintless dent removal